Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's YouTube!

Video, and in particular short video clips, can be valuable learning resources.  Benefits of video include:
  • Multi-modal learning - seeing and hearing
  • The potential to rewatch the video until understood
  • The ability to engage learners and 
  • A potential to succinctly explain complex ideas
The largest collection of video on the Internet is on YouTube.  Of course not all that video is educationally appropriate, and another part isn't educationally relevant.  Because we as a school district are bound by ethical and legal responsibility to protect students we can not give open, unfiltered access to YouTube.  IT has been working to find a solution that would allow teachers and students access to the good educational stuff and leave out the junk we know is there.

 VuSafe is a solution that we are currently testing.  It starts by allowing access to a select group of staff that can then issue account invitations.  Once a teacher has an account, he/she can sign in to YouTube through their account to view videos.  They would also have the ability to make a playlist of videos to share with their students to give video access to learners.

This solution is the best of both words - it provides access to YouTube while eliminating the risk to our students.  

This product is new in the district and being tested on a small scale to make sure it works like it needs to.  As we learn more and expand availability, we'll keep you posted! 

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