Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just What I Needed

It's hard keeping up with all the reading I want to keep up with.  I have a couple of inspiring blogs I really like to read.....and I never really remember to check them to see if there is something new.  But I'd sure like to know if there was.

When there is a new Real Simple it arrives in my mailbox and makes me smile.  When there is a news about SPPS, it arrives in my inbox and makes me aware.  But blogs?  I have to check the blog or my RSS feed reader for new content, fingers crossed that today there will be something new.  

Or do I?  (Picture a superhero whooshing in with a cape here...)

Enter  Enter the URL of the blog, your inbox.  Verify your email by checking your email.  Now every time there is something new on the blog there is something new in your inbox. No more checking, hoping, sighing when there's nothing new.  

Hip hip hooray for simple technical solutions to annoying everyday problems!

(And now you could get each new Giga Squad blog post in your inbox instantly!)

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